mikha tambayong wallpaper and profil

Full Name: Maudy Mic. Tambayong
Nickname: Micah
TTL: Jakarta, 15 september 1994
Religion: Christian

She was one of the players in the popular sinetron elbow, pupa. tom is the cover girl in 2008. according tp kalo gw, dia tuh gak cakep2 very. I items, slender, in the pupa aktingnya oath severe ! physically he is the less time the pupa cewek2 Aryani rich, beautiful dinda, n tania daughter. I even prefer Aryani, face more than the commercial tom.
tom this skrg malah ikut2an the derby I voted pas2an tp abis jd confident performers, he said he does sodaranya harvei. tp kayanya talent harvei nyanyi gak ada yah nurun2nya to him. I regret the time I go to climb 4mata,
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    syalom... hai mikha salam kenal aku micky
    aku suka karakter vocal yg lumayan perfect, aku punya beberapa lagu, krna lagu aku cocok ama karakter vocal kamu. mngkin ini terlihat konyol, krna aku hanya masyarakat biasa yg punya lagu tpi blum di publikasikan, aku autodidak,basic ku di chord guitar n keyboard,aku bisa kox ngiringi kamu nyanyi dgn lagu" aku. n aku yakin semua org suka kalox kamu yg nyanyi'in. bukan ny aku ignin ikut ambil bagian dari profesi kamu, tapi sekedar aku bangga klox kmu nyanyi'in lagu" aku. that's it. bingung juga hubungi kmu gmna, yg jelas ak titip fb k : mosesd39major@yahoo.co.id, Gmail : leonardmss9. God Bless You Mikha.


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